
VBA – Import CSV file

This blogpost’s reason d’etre is to show an alternative to the function “Import text” when importing af CSV file into an Excel file. And why not use Import text? Besides having to clean up after the import, the function is quite inefficient and is overkill to use on simple semicolon-separated files. Another reason is that the import function doesn’t handle foreign letters too well.

But just if anybody’s is wondering: Deleting the data connection and disabling the query definition after data import is done like this:

    'delete data connection
    Dim qt As QueryTable
   'delete query connection
   For Each qt In ActiveSheet.QueryTables
    Next qt

The alternative is to read the CSV file as a text file, and split each line into an array, and looping through the array to print it in Excel. Credit to Lernkurve from providing the snippet here.

'This sub only provides the sub ImportCSVfile with parameters
Sub InitiateImportCSVFile() 
Dim filePath As String
Dim ImportToRow As Integer
Dim StartColumn As Integer
    filePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\MYCSVfile.csv"
    ImportToRow = 1 'the row where it will start printing
    StartColumn = 1 'the start column
    ImportCSVFile filePath, ImportToRow, StartColumn 
End Sub

'This is the sub that does all the work: 

Sub ImportCSVFile(ByVal filePath As String, ByVal ImportToRow As Integer, ByVal StartColumn As Integer)

    Dim line As String
    Dim arrayOfElements
    Dim element As Variant

    Open filePath For Input As #1 ' Open file for input
        Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file
            ImportToRow = ImportToRow + 1
            Line Input #1, line
            arrayOfElements = Split(line, ";") 'Split the line into the array.
            'Loop thorugh every element in the array and print to Excelfile
            For Each element In arrayOfElements
                Cells(ImportToRow, StartColumn).Value = element
                StartColumn = StartColumn + 1
    Close #1 ' Close file.
End Sub

And that’s it!

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013 Uncategorized Comments Off on VBA – Import CSV file

VBA – Get name of file without extension

The easiest way to get the name of a file is of course to use ThisWorkbook.Name. It will supply you with the name and the extension of the file (for example “MyWorkbook.xlsx”).But if you want to retrieve only the name the workbook and not the extension, you’ll need this:

Dim NameOfWorkbook

NameOfWorkbook = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, (InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))

It uses the function InStrRev to find the last occurance of “.” and the Left() function is then used to assign all chars left of this position to the NameOfWorkbook variable.

Sunday, December 16th, 2012 Uncategorized Comments Off on VBA – Get name of file without extension

UserForm Listbox – Populate list and extract selected items

So I needed to create a small script that allowed the users to select a number of columns (letters from A to Z) from a list. The purpose was for users to be able to chose which columns in a sheet to print – but that’s not part of this post. We focus on the population of the listbox and the extraction of the selected items of the listbox.

Step 1: Create a UserForm that contains a Listbox called Listbox1 and a button called CommandButton1.

Step 2: Create the UserForms’ “Initialize” procedure.

Step 3: Populate the ListBox with the letters A to Z:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'Create array
Dim AlfabetArray() As String

'Define content of array (here we have splitted with "|", but you could also use "," or something else.
AlfabetArray = Split("A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|X|Y|Z", "|")

'Populate the Listbox with the array of letters
ListBox1.List = AlfabetArray

End Sub

Step 4: Make sure that the ListBox has its attribute MultiSelect set to ‘1 – fmMultiSelectMulti’ if you want the users to be able to select multiple items with a click on the mouse, or ‘2 – fmMultiSelectExtended’, if the users has to “Ctrl-click” to select multiple items and be able to “scroll-select” multiple items much quicker.

See the result here

Step 5: Extract the selected items from the ListBox and insert them into an array for later use.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lItem As Long
Dim KolonneNavne() As String    'Array
Dim blDimensioned As Boolean    'Is the array dimensioned?
Dim lngPosition As Long         'Counting
blDimensioned = False
'Loop through all items in the Listbox
For lItem = 0 To Me.ListBox1.ListCount - 1
        If Me.ListBox1.Selected(lItem) Then
        'If the item has been selected we add it to the array
            'We check if the array has been dimensioned
            If blDimensioned = True Then
            ReDim Preserve KolonneNavne(0 To UBound(KolonneNavne) + 1) As String
            ReDim KolonneNavne(0 To 0) As String
            blDimensioned = True 'flag
            End If
            'We add the letter to the array
            KolonneNavne(UBound(KolonneNavne)) = Me.ListBox1.List(lItem)
        End If
Next lItem

'Loop through array to see which items were selected from the Listbox:

For lngPosition = LBound(KolonneNavne) To UBound(KolonneNavne)
MsgBox KolonneNavne(lngPosition)
Next lngPosition

End Sub

Friday, November 16th, 2012 Uncategorized Comments Off on UserForm Listbox – Populate list and extract selected items

VBA – Retrieve Last Row From More Than One Column

Normally, it’s enough to know the last row in a specific column. In those cases I normally just use this widely method:

'Getting last row from column A
LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row

But when you have several columns (for example 1 to 10) and you need to retrieve the last cell in use in any of these columns, we need something else. A big thanks to Jan Brun Rasmussen for having provided the following brilliant solution:

Sub DefineRange()

Dim StartColumn As Integer
Dim EndColumn As Integer
Dim LastRow

'define first and last column of the range
StartColumn = 2
EndColumn = 10

LastRow = FindLastRow(StartColumn, EndColumn) 'call the function FindLastRow and return the value to the variable LastRow
MsgBox "Last row is " & LastRow 'show and tell
End Sub

'---the above sub calls the function below, providing the function with the range parameters. 

Function FindLastRow(iColI As Integer, iColN As Integer) As Long
    Dim iRowN As Long
    Dim iRowI As Long
    'Loop thorugh the columns
    For i = iColI To iColN
        'Define each columns' last row
        iRowI = Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row
        'if last row is larger than in the previous column, save row number to iRowI
        If iRowI > iRowN Then iRowN = iRowI
    Next i
    FindLastRow = iRowN
End Function

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 Uncategorized Comments Off on VBA – Retrieve Last Row From More Than One Column

VBA – Add New WorkSheet After The Last Worksheet

This post quickly shows how to add a new sheet, name it and place at the end of a line of sheets:

  Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "MynewSheet"

Thursday, January 13th, 2011 Uncategorized Comments Off on VBA – Add New WorkSheet After The Last Worksheet

VBA – Toggle Between Open Excel Files

There is often need of working in two worksheets at a time – for example when you want to loop throigh the files in a folder, and copy data from each of them into a new file, thus gathering different data into one worksheet.

Here are some small code snippets that are needed to work with multiple worksheets at a time.

'Get the name of the currently active file. You'll need this when 
'toggelinig between two files, and you want to open the old file
'where the data is assembled

Dim OrginialFile
OriginalFile = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name

'Open new file
Dim MyFile
MyFile = "C:Maria\Myfolder\Myfile.xls"

 Workbooks.Open FileName:=MyFile

'Close a file
Dim MyNewFile
MyNewFile = "MyWonderfulFile.xls"
'Unable ScreenUpdating and DisoplayAlerts, so teh user isn't asked if he want tosave the changes
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Application.DisplayAlerts = False
  Application.ScreenUpdating = true
   Application.DisplayAlerts = true

'Toggle between open files. 
Dim AnotherOpenFile
AnotherOpenFile = "MyWounderfullFile.xls"

Windows(AnotherOpenFile ).Activate

Thursday, January 13th, 2011 Uncategorized Comments Off on VBA – Toggle Between Open Excel Files